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If you’re new to the cannabis community, you might be wondering about the famous label that usually comes with cannabis consumption: stoner. Maybe you’ve smoked the smoke a few times and are wondering, are you a stoner? With negative qualities swirling around that word, you might be inclined to distance yourself from that label. Times have changed, though, and maybe being a stoner isn’t necessarily a bad thing. So, what does this word mean and are you a member of this classification? On today’s episode we’ll explore all things relating to being a stoner, as always, to give you reliable answers to your burning questions.
Joining us for this podcast episode are Biscayne and Mariana of Stoner Girl Diary, a video platform dedicated to capturing the nuance of being a female cannabis consumer. In addition to bringing feminine representation to cannabis, these kush kweens also tackle the stigma that surrounds marijuana consumption and the title that almost always accompanies it, stoner. They are changing the way that we view purveyors of the herb by reminding us, we’re all stoners in some sense or another.
Who is a stoner?
In order to know what it means to be a stoner in today’s age, we need to first look at the common ideas that currently surround the label. Traditionally a stoner is conceptualized as a person who doesn’t do anything but lounge around, unmotivated, smoking weed all day. Images of red eyes, tie dye shirts and an slow movements probably fill your imagination. For many, this depiction guides a negative perception of cannabis consumers. However, this representation is outdated, and inspired by old ideas that fail to capture the universality of cannabis.
Today, anyone can be a stoner, in fact most people probably are to some extent. A stoner is someone who associates themselves to a part of the cannabis community. Stoner,” in and of itself, is not an identity, it is only a part of who you are on a larger scale. To illustrate, you might be an accountant who happens to smoke weed. This makes you, if you want to be, an accountant who is also a stoner, you get stoned sometimes. You would not say, “I’m a stoner who also happens to be an accountant.” This distinction is important because it guides a idea that marijuana is not typically an identity. While you can definitely have a problem with cannabis, most people use it in a manner that supplements their personality and interest.
That being said, with the popularity of cannabis ever on the rise, the personalities and interests of modern day stoners couldn’t be more diverse. People who consume cannabis come from every walk of life imaginable. You have your college students of course, but you also have business professionals, doctors, moms, artists, you name it. If we keep in mind that the stoners of today are not deadbeats, but rather regular people just trying to live their dreams and make it through this life, we can rehumanize the term.
What is a good stoner?
Another thing to keep in mind is how we portray ourselves as cannabis users, or stoners. Biscayne tells us, “I am a proud stoner.” There is an immense level of power in owning a part of who we are unapologetically. If we shy away from classifications, we are subject to their meaning. On the other hand, if we embrace something with confidence, we are letting the world know, “yes, I smoke weed and there’s nothing wrong with that.” This is easier said than done, I can agree, which is why it is important that we practice being “good stoners” in our daily life.
A good stoner is going to be someone who is an advocate. Although rising in popularity, much of the cannabis territory is still uncharted. As individuals who use cannabis and believe in its possibilities, it is our job to educate others. We must stand our ground and be unashamed to share the ways in which marijuana has impacted our lives. It’s our responsibility to fight against cannabis stigma, or pot-shaming.
What is pot-shaming?
Pot-shaming exists in a variety of ways, namely coming from people who have no interest in cannabis, but also from people who are overly into cannabis. The former group will shame us by putting us into this negative stoner category. The latter will shame us by trying to tell us to consume more than we need. In both instances, we must rely on that which is tried and true: respect. We must respect ourselves enough to own our story and be proud of it, letting the world know, I smoke weed but it’s not the only thing I do, and before you knock on cannabis, please be informed on its history and scientific evidence. To avoid falling into the latter category, we need to respect others too. It can be easy to be excited about our love for cannabis that we might inadvertently push it on others. To not fall into that trap, let’s be mindful that everyone is on their own individual journey with cannabis.
Final Thoughts
So then, what does it mean to be a stoner and are you a stoner? The short answer is that it’s up to you. The landscape today is diverse, you can choose for stoner to be a part of your identity or not. To do so is to be committed to being a respectful consumer, but also a knowledgeable one. You will wear the name with pride, a reminder of what marijuana means to you and to so many. Unfortunately, we’re not yet to a place where cannabis consumption is seen as just another thing people do. It’s seen as something negative, and if we do our part, in some future that might not be the case. Always consume responsibly and keep in mind the reasons for your use. Soon we may live in a world where stoners far and wide are not seen as lazy addicts, but for who they really are, people who happen to smoke weed.