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Does CBD get you high?


Will CBD Get You High?

           Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, you have without a doubt heard something about cannabidiol, or CBD. It’s marijuana’s cousin they say, and it seems like you can find in just about anywhere, in drinks, burgers, and dog treats. Perhaps you’re wondering why it’s become so popular but really you’re wondering what it even does. It’s advertised as being good for just about everything under the sun, from healthier sleep to anxiety reduction. Turns out there might be a good body of evidence to suggest these benefits might be legit. So maybe your last question is, well, is it going to get me high?

In this podcast episode we are joined by Mike Banhagel of Seven Points CBD. Seven Points is a company primarily dedicated to supporting the wellness of athletes through the calibrated use of cannabidiol products. An athlete himself, Mike traces his own journey with CBD, which he noticed really helped him recover from an ankle injury. After continued use, he noticed it put his mind and body on another level. From there Mike did his research and decided to take the leap to launch Seven Points. Today he breaks down CBD from his perspective.


To begin, let’s make it very clear that CBD will not get you high. A great benefit to this compound is that it gives you many of the benefits that marijuana often touts, but without the psychoactive component, what Mike calls, “the time travel stuff.” This makes it a great option for everyday use. Before we get too deep into the benefits, though, we need to first know about the endocannabinoid system (ECS). All mammals have an ECS which is composed of neurotransmitters or brain chemicals, receptors that exist throughout the body, and enzymes that digest the neurotransmitters.

One of these neurotransmitters is called anandamide, also known as the Bliss Molecule.

This molecule helps to promote mood enhancement and might also contribute to reduction of fear. Anandamide production is important for the homeostasis, or equilibrium of the body. There is an enzyme, FAAH, whose job is to degrade and recycle anandamide because it inevitably breaks down after it is released. CBD doesn’t plug into any ECS receptors the way that THC does, rather, it engages FAAH and slows down the degradation of the Bliss Molecule. A high quality CBD is going to allow your body to maintain higher levels of anandamide which as we mentioned, promotes homeostasis in turn promoting wellness.

  So, is CBD the answer to all of our problems? Maybe. Life has a way of throwing us “out of sync,” at times, with the likes of stress, injury and trauma really throwing our bodies out of balance. Naturally, we all recover when we sleep—our bodies heal at night. The better we sleep, the faster we are going to recover. While CBD doesn’t make you sleepy or put you to sleep necessarily, sleep is something that the endocannabinoid system can help to regulate, that is bring to a point of homeostasis, or balance. To get an overall picture, let’s think about it this way: the endocannabinoid system is the link between your mind and your body. Using an example Mike uses, say it’s a hot day out and you’re going to start sweating. Your brain is going to send a signal to your sweat gland to start producing sweat. The first physiological “domino” that’s going to fall involves the ECS. You can begin to see how powerful it is to have a strong, balanced ECS. The healthier your ECS is, the healthier you are going to be and CBD helps build that foundation.


           At this point you’re probably sold on CBD and have a hankering for where you can get it and how. Before you get ahead of yourself, let’s remember that everyone’s CBD experience is going to be different. Although there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that there are positive benefits to using CBD, there is much research yet to be conducted. That being said, at Cannacopia we certainly believe that you should explore your options and CBD could prove to be beneficial in your life. Crucial to getting some results is how you take your CBD and in what quantities. There’s no one-size-fits all dosage, but a good place to start is 1 mg per 10 pounds of body weight, twice daily. So for example, if you weigh 150 lbs, your dose is 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg at night. Don’t be afraid to take more CBD, in the event that your ECS becomes saturated with its maximum amount, you probably won’t feel any adverse effects.


           With so many CBD products reaching the market, it can be hard to know which ones have quality products. Because the effects of CBD can be so subtle, there are companies that aren’t selling the real deal. To avoid falling victim to these scams, there are few things to keep in mind. The first is to be wary of any companies that are making bold claims. CBD is in a precarious situation with the FDA and any companies who want the best for the customers, aren’t going to be making claims about what their products can treat. It’s also important to look at the track record of the company. How long have they been in business? What is their online presence like? A reputable company is going to have testimonials of their product and they are going to have a strong company philosophy on why they started the business and why they believe in their own products. Stay diligent in your research and always ask questions!


           We hope that at this point you have a bit more insight on CBD and the products that are offered on the market today. The information found throughout this blog was courtesy of Mike Banhagel from Seven Points CBD, a company that we have full confidence in. If you are interested in learning more about them, visit their website at and also use discount code CANNA20 to receive 20% off of your purchase! Thank you as always for reading, we hope you learned a thing or two, and stay high… or in this case, stay balanced!




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